Shipping Policy
We offer free USA/Canada shipping on orders over $79 USD.
Shipping Method |
Production Time |
Delivery |
Standard Delivery | 8-10 working days | 7-12 working days* |
Shipping Insurance** | 8-10 working days | 7-12 working days* |
FedEx*** | 8-10 working days | 3-5 working days* |
*The estimated delivery times are "estimates" based on recent delivery times and are not seen as a guaranteed delivery timeframe. We do our best to ensure that the shipping process is as smooth as possible, but in case of a late delivery, we can't issue refunds as third-party delays (like USPS or Canada Post) are unfortunately out of our control.
**Shipping Insurance - We will cover all costs in case of lost or damaged packages, the delivery time is identical to standard delivery. Non-refundable.
*** FedEx Express and fees are non-refundable. Failed delivery due to wrong address requires respectively $14 USD and $ 7 USD re-shipping fee.
Production Time
Since all our products are handmade and customized on-demand, please allow 8-10 business days for your order to be dispatched from our workshop.
Once your order is shipped you will receive an email with your personal tracking code. If you have not received it, or have another problem, contact us at
All our jewelry is handmade in our workshop in USA.
ReturnsWe do not accept returns as all products are handmade and customized for every customer.
However, we understand that these pieces are very sentimental and important, so if you do have an issue with your product(s), please email us
24-Hours Cancellation/Modification Period
To cancel or change your order you must notify us within 24 hours from when the order was placed. After 24-hours your order will be marked as a valid order and not available for cancellation due to the personalized nature of our product.
Please see our full Refund Policy.